My name is Ronilson (Roni to my friends) and I want to take this opportunity to talk a bit more about how I try to take more out of life. I have not had an easy one so far but I can't really complain: I can still restart everyday and I can correct my path at all times. I am always trying to learn with what happens to me and I have an infinite curiosity (that sometimes makes me aware of how much I still don't know!). Everyone makes mistakes but it is correcting them that makes us evolve. Mistakes, difficulties... They are all part of the journey and they make it more rewarding in the end. We just need to have the will and determination to run after what moves us forward. As I read the other day: "life is too short to be small". Â
When I was presented with the opportunity to design a second pair, I decided that I was going to reveal a bit more of myself this time (in my first pair I was a bit too discreet). So I went with two colours that, in my humble opinion, match perfectly together: red and black. It is by far my preferred colour combination as they complement each other without one upstaging the other
Complete DiVERGE's symbol with a
statement or expression meaningful to you
( e.g. I am me | I am a rock )
12 characters per line
Give your creation a name
- region-1 #
- region-2 #
- region-3 #
- region-4 #
- region-5 #
- region-1 #
- region-2 #
- region-3 #
- region-4 #
- region-5 #
- Upper
- Accessories
- Symbol